Holy Day of Obligation: Immaculate Conception

A reminder that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation, is tomorrow. Join us for Mass in the Church at 8:15am and 7pm.
Did you know that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates Mary’s conception, rather than Jesus’. For more info on this feast day check out this article: http://www.foryourmarriage.org/the-immaculate-conception/

Giving Tree Gifts Due This Weekend

Giving Tree Gifts are due THIS WEEKEND Please bring your wrapped gifts weekdays to the Parish office 8am-3:30pm or weekends before and after masses. There is a place in the cry room labeled “Giving Tree Drop Off”. The last drop off day is this Sunday, December 11 th after the 11:00 mass. Merry Christmas!! Rebecca […]

Opportunities for Confession

During the season of Advent there will be additional opportunities for Confession.  In addition to the regular schedule of Saturday mornings, the priest will hear confessions on Wednesdays, Nov. 30, Dec.7, 14, 21, 6:00pm-7:00pm, in the Church.  As always, you can also contact the priests to schedule a private appointment if needed.


Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Mass Schedule

December 24:  4:30pm and 9:30pm

December 25: 11 am


Holy Day of Obligation

The Feast of Mary Mother of God

(since this Holy Day falls on a Sunday we will keep the typical Sunday schedule)

December 31: 5pm

Jan 1: 8am, 11am, and 5pm


The Giving Tree Is Here!

Look for the Giving Tree in the back of Church this weekend. Stop by and select your Star! The Giving Tree is an opportunity to help provide a better Christmas to people living in our community and residents of Friendship Manor. St. Aloysius needs YOU to make this a successful giving season. The individuals on the Giving Tree are residents from Friendship Manor Nursing Home. In recent years, the St. Aloysius Community has helped make Christmas special for each of the residents. The Giving Tree also contains members from local families in need provided by the Oldham County Red Cross.
   Please select a Star, complete the bottom section and place in the Gift Box by the Giving Tree. Keep the top portion and return with your gifts. Please return items wrapped to the Parish office Monday-Friday 8am-3pm, or before and after any Mass. There is a place in the cry room labeled ‘Giving Tree Drop Off”. (DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR STAR TAG /NUMBER ON EACH PACKAGE)
The last day for drop off is Sunday, December 11th after the last Mass.
If you or your organization would like more information please contact Rebecca Cottrell (rebeccaecottrell@yahoo.com) .

Catholic Services Appeal

This article appeared several weeks ago in the Record, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Louisville.  If you have contributed to the Catholic Services Appeal, thank you!  If you have not contributed, please consider making a pledge.  Read the article to see why!

A Time to Speak – Why I support the Catholic Services Appeal

Daniel Kelley

Each year when I receive Archbishop Kurtz’s letter inviting me to contribute to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA), I take a moment to reflect on my life as a Catholic and to determine what role I must play in the vibrant life of the Archdiocese of Louisville.

While there are many worthwhile organizations seeking donations, I believe the Catholic Services Appeal has earned my steadfast commitment. There are myriad reasons for Catholics to contribute to the CSA, but I am going to share with you three key reasons for my own support.

The Catholic Services Appeal supports over 100 vital programs, ministries, and services that might struggle to serve their clients without the funding that the CSA provides. These programs are all essential to the Church and its goal of bringing Christ to others.

They help bring assistance to the poor and needy, enhance our worship lives, promote lifelong formation for all Catholics in the archdiocese, promote vocations to religious life, and provide invaluable support to our parishes and schools.

The scope of these works is well beyond the ability of any single parish to respond. So, my first reason for supporting the Catholic Services Appeal is that I see a great need for the programs and ministries it supports. They do great work.

I think all Catholics are familiar with these words from the Gospel according to Saint Luke: “To whom much has been given, much will be required.” This is a recurring theme of Father Mark Spalding’s homilies at my parish, Holy Trinity. I know that I have been blessed by God and I feel motivated to share my blessings with others.

Making a meaningful gift to the Catholic Services Appeal is an important step in following the path of Christian stewardship, of sharing our time, talent and treasure with others. So, my second reason for supporting the Catholic Services Appeal is that it is a call to action and, fortunately, I have the capacity to respond favorably.

I’m also mindful of the fact that I am a great beneficiary of the Catholic Services Appeal, and that is my third reason for contributing to CSA each year. I benefit from a wide variety of programs its funding supports in the areas of worship and lifelong formation, but from my point of view the CSA’s support of the Vocation Office is of paramount importance.

Certainly this affects all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Louisville, and we are enjoying some very encouraging results from that office’s work.

We now have a total of 18 men studying for the priesthood, which is the highest number of seminarians we have had in many years. It is good to know that many other men and women have discerned a vocational calling, no doubt due in large measure to the Vocation Office, and will one day begin addressing the needs of this archdiocese’s Catholics.

So, I am motivated to answer this call to partner in the work of the Archdiocese of Louisville by contributing to the Catholic Services Appeal. I see a great need, I feel a call to respond, and I acknowledge that I benefit enormously from the ministries, programs, and services that the CSA funds.

I encourage all my fellow Catholics of the Archdiocese of Louisville to contribute as well. As Pope Francis has stated, “Everyone is called, everyone is sent.”

Daniel Kelley is a member of Holy Trinity Church.

Share Your Encounters

The Parish Staff has spent several weeks discussing evangelization.  Though the word evangelization can sometimes be overwhelming and be seen in a negative light, we put it in a simple phrase that everyone can understand.  Evangelization happens when people experience an encounter with Jesus Christ.  The staff has set the goal to ensure that each parishioner has an encounter with Jesus Christ.
 We know that this is going on already and we want to highlight those encounters.  We want you to tell your stories of how you encounter Jesus.  Telling these stories has a positive influence on other people’s faith.  An encounter with Christ comes from those stories and moments that touch your heart.  These events can be life changing and profound, or they can be simple, every day events where you experience Jesus in the little details.
We want to collect these stories so we can share them with our Parish community and others.  We will distribute them via flocknote, the parish Facebook page, the bulletin, announcements, and hope to have a running list available on the website.  These stories are not about personal recognition and can even be anonymous.  At most we will publish your first name.  Think of how you encounter Jesus Christ and share your story.  You can email them to the staff (parishoffice@staloysiuspwv.org), drop them in an envelope in the Sunday collection basket, call the Parish Office, shoot a staff member a text message, or even put them in the mail.  We ask that the stories be concise and about a paragraph in length.

Novena for the Upcoming Election

Save the Date: Parish Picnic 2017

The date of our next parish picnic will be Saturday, July 15, 2017. Please save the date!

Second Annual Night at the Races

Good news, race fans! Ticket info has been updated. Things have changed a little from last year!

Tickets will be available at the door the night of the event! 10$ for per individual and 15$ per couple! Food and drink will be available for purchase at the concession stand!

Horse sales and sponsorships will be available VERY soon! Start wracking your brains for horse names!! We can’t wait to hear what you come up with!