Archdiocesan Audit Report

The Archdiocese performs internal audits on every Church that it oversees.  There is a rotating schedule that has the auditors visiting each parish every 3 years.  This was the year for the auditors to visit St. Aloysius.   Overall our audit went well.  We wanted to share the report with the entire parish so everyone can be informed.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Dennis Blum at the parish office.

To view the audit report:


Night At The Races Tickets On Sale NOW!

Our 3rd Annual St. Aloysius Night at the Races is scheduled for Saturday, November 4th! Doors open at 6:00 pm – with the first race kicking off around 6:30 pm.
Tickets are now available for purchase in the Parish Office!  The committee will also be selling ticket at at carpool every Friday beginning in October. Tickets purchased in advance are $15 a person. Tickets purchased the night of are $20.

You can also agree to sponsor a horse or one of the races.  Sponsorship forms are available on the website:

This is a fundraiser for the entire parish, not just the School.  The funds raised are divided equally between the parish, the School, Men’s Club, and Women’s Club.  Last year the portion given to the parish was used toward reducing the debt.  And the Men’s Club also used their portion to support debt reduction for the parish.   We want to encourage the entire parish to attend.  This is an event where everyone can come together as one community and have a great time.  A night out to suppport our parish community.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact Julie Reddington,


Unleashed Results

Recently, our parish conducted a feasibility study, Unleashed, to determine the awareness of the parish regarding our $2M debt and the willingness to conduct a capital campaign to quickly pay it off. Results were stunning!
*  The participation rate was one of the highest among parishes conducting similar studies.

*  The parishioners were overwhelmingly clear about their wishes—the debt must go.

Therefore, we’re launching a 3 year capital campaign to unleash this debt.


The study itself made clear many other important facts. While none of these are surprising, they underscore what makes St. Aloysius Catholic Church a uniquely wonderful parish.

*  Parishioners love St. Aloysius Parish.

*  Parishioners are proud of our excellent school

*  Parishioners believe we are a blessed parish with many resources

*  Parishioners believe our future will be as strong, if not stronger, than our past

*  Parishioners believe we have the resolve and resources to meet any challenge


The Together We Can Campaign Kick-Off Weekend is October 28/29. More information to follow in the upcoming weeks.

To read the feasibility study click here.

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes

The Parish Pastoral Council is the coordinating and unifying structure of the parish community.  The council works with Fr. John to better our community.  Its members are an advisory board to the Pastor.

Click here if you would like to read the minutes of the August Parish Council Meeting.  For more information feel free to contact Dean Heibert, Parish Council President.