Christmas Mass Schedule

We hope you plan to join us this Christmas to help celebrate the birth of Jesus.  The Mass times are as follows:

Dec. 24, Christmas Eve: Masses at 5 and 8pm

(Note:  The 5pm Mass is typically our fullest Christmas Mass.  The children’s choir sings at this Mass and many families attend. )

Dec. 25, Christmas Day: Mass at 11am

Dec 31, Vigil Mass for the feast of Mary the Mother of God: Mass at 5pm

Jan 1, Mass for the feast of Mary the Mother of God: Mass at 11am

All of these Masses will take place in the main Church.

Cocoa With Santa

The annual event Breakfast with Santa has a new look this year. Don’t worry, Santa will still be there.

Rather than having a big breakfast, we will be having cookies and hot coco. After all that is Santa’s favorite snack!

The event will be on December 9th in the cafeteria. It begins at 9am (right after the 8am Mass) and continues until noon. Along with the treats, there will be crafts for the little ones as well. The cost of the event is $5 per person.

This event is hosted by the Women’s Club. If you have any questions please contact Julie Reddington,

Mark Your Calendars: Night At The Races

Our 4th Annual St. Aloysius Night at the Races is scheduled for

Saturday, November 3rd!   Doors open at 6:00 pm – with the first race kicking off around 6:30 pm.


The night consists of a series of mock horse races on wooden horses.  Dice are rolled to determine how many spots horses move along the “track”.  Parishioners and friends can come enjoy a night of betting on the ponies, black jack and an incredible silent auction.  Food will be for sale and provided by local food trucks. Beer and wine will be for sale as well.  Let’s not forget about the awesome “class creations.” This year the PREP sacrament years  (2nd and 8th), as well as St. Aloysius students have created items that will also be in the silent auction – those are always a hit with parents.

Tickets are available to purchase at the Parish Office.  The cost is $20 a person in advance or $25 the night of the event.  In addition to attending, folks can purchase a horse to race, they can sponsor an entire race, donate a silent auction item, or do all three!  All of the forms you need for sponsorship are available on the website:


The funds raised are divided equally between the parish, the School, Men’s Club, and Women’s Club.  We want to encourage the entire parish to attend.  This is an event where everyone can come together as one community and have a great time.  A night out to support our parish community. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact Julie Reddington,


On-Line Giving Made Easier

We are transitioning vendors to make on-line giving more convenient.  We believe that it is time to make it easier for every one to support our parish and its ministries. We have partnered with Faith Direct, to read more about their services click here.

If you are already giving via the older system click here to log in and unsubscribe: (VANCO).  To enroll in the new program, it is as easy one click: (Faith Direct).   If you have any questions please feel free to contact the parish office.

Sunday Nursery, 11am Mass

St. Aloysius is happy to offer child care for children who are steady crawlers – 3 years old during the 11:00 Mass on Sundays.  Child care will begin on Sept. 9th this year and will follow the PREP schedule. Please enter through the back entrance of the school near the playground. We are looking for adults and youth to volunteer for this ministry. In order to continue to offer this service, parents using this service may be asked to help a few times during the year dependent upon how many volunteers we have.  Please contact Julie Corbell if you are interested in this service or if you would like to volunteer.

Stewardship Opportunity

Adults and youth volunteers are needed to help with child care during our 11:00 Mass on Sundays.  Youth preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation will receive service hours. Please contact Julie Crobell at if you would like to volunteer for this ministry.  We need one adult and a couple youth each week. Volunteering 3 or 4 times during the school year will be greatly appreciated.


What is RCIA, and who is it for?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which is better known as RCIA, is a process designed for three different groups of people: (1) adults (age 7 and older) who are not baptized and would like to join the Catholic Church, (2) adults who were baptized as children into the Catholic faith, but who have not completed their initiation in the Church because they have not celebrated their First Eucharist and/or Sacrament of Confirmation, and (3) adults who have been validly baptized in another Christian denomination and who now want to be received in the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds into the RCIA process. Here at St. Aloysius our RCIA groups meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45.      Contact Mary Hynes at the parish office if you are interested in beginning the RCIA process 241-8452.


PREP to begin August 26

PREP is for students in grades 1-8 that attend public school.  PREP prepares children for Sacraments and fosters faith development for children and their families.  Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45.  This year classes begin August 26th. Be sure to register early for class placement and so we may purchase textbooks and supplies needed for each student.  Visit the St. Aloysius website, quick links, PREP and download the registration form, calendar, and handbook.  If needed you may pick up a hard copy of the forms from the parish office.

You can find the registration forms by clicking: HERE

High School Religious Education Classes!

This year the High School Religious Ed. Classes will be taught by a team of dedicated catechists. The classes will meet 2 Sundays a month during PREP, 9:30-10:45am, in the extra 6th grade classroom. We are hoping that having the classes at this time will better accommodate busy family calendars, especially if you have younger siblings that attend PREP. These classes are open to any High School Student. Folks who go to both public and private school are welcome. Classes begin Sept 23rd. We will be continuing to use the “Understanding the Catechism” series of books for our text, with this year’s focus being on Morality. In order to cover the cost of text books and supplies, there is a $25 fee for one student, $40 fee for 2 students, and $50 fee for 3 students. Check can be made payable to St. Aloysius and delivered to the Parish Office. Any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mandy Kumler, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
(502-241-8452, EXT 1005 or
You can also go to the online registration page by visiting:

Special Note from Fr. John: eGiving with Faith Direct

Many of you are aware and take advantage of the convenience of electronic giving to our parish and we are grateful for that. We believe it is time to upgrade to a more streamlined online provider for our eGiving needs through Faith Direct. For those of you who have yet to join us in giving online, I strongly encourage you to do so. Here’s why:

Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments.

Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket.

Please join me in enrolling by responding to the mailing you will receive the last week of August or visit to enroll securely online. Our parish code is KY904.

God Bless You!
Rev. John J. Stoltz

The May 2018 Parish Newsletter

The latest addition of the Parish Newsletter is available.  Just follow the link and read about all the awesome things going on around and in our community!