Entries by Mandy Kumler

Thursday Women’s Group

Now that Lent is over the ladies who met to discuss The Best Lent Ever series have decided they would like to continue to meet for faith sharing until school is out for the summer.  Therefore, we will continue to meet on Thursday mornings April 12-May 24 from 10-11 in the Dickman Center.  We will […]

Holy Family Radio and St. Aloysius

Holy Family Radio on WLCR AM 1040, Louisville’s only Catholic format radio station, will be hosting their Spring Radiothon, Thursday and Friday, April 12 and 13. Tune in to learn more about how you can help support Catholic Radio in the area!  Consider making a pledge during Fr. Stoltz’s segment at 10am on April 12 and help St. Aloysius be the parish […]

Summer Camp at St. Aloysius!

Although our days are colder, it is never too early to think about where your kids will spend their summer. This summer St. Aloysius will have a summer camp! Each day there will be something new including games, art, cooking, reading, and of course fun!  This is open to any student (Kindergarten-8th) in the parish. […]

What would you do with an extra $7000?

Buy a car, pay for high school tuition, pay for college, etc? Buy a raffle ticket!  Only 200 tickets will be sold. Each ticket is $100 Winner will be drawn on May 9, by Father John.  All additional proceeds will go to the Tuition Assistance Fund. Tickets are available to purchase in the Parish Office […]

Holy Week

 Holy Week is the heart of the liturgical year.  Official church rituals and other traditions observed during this week remember and make present the passing of Jesus from life, to death, and to new life.   The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter […]

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The annual Easter Egg Hunt, Presented by the Women’s Club and Knights of Columbus Saturday, will be held March 24th at 10:00am. Hunts to go off divided into age groups at approximately 11:00am. There even will be a visit from the Easter Bunny himself! Donations of candy are needed as well. Stuffed eggs or candy […]

4O Days for Life

From February 14 through March 25, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside of EMW Women’s Surgical Center 136 W Market Street Louisville […]

Lenten Confession Opportunities

In addition to every Saturday morning at 9am in the Chapel, Fr. John will hear confessions on four Wednesday evenings during Lent: February 21, March 7, 21, and 28 in the Church from 6-7pm.  As always, you may contact Fr. John to set up a private appointment if you have a conflict with these dates.