Entries by Mandy Kumler

2017 Great American Country Picnic

Everyone is invited to attend our annual Great American Country Picnic! Join us for some fun in the sun July 15, 1-11pm! We will have Booths, Prizes, a Kidway, Beer Garden, and much more! And don’t forget our Chicken Dinner featuring our Famous Noodles! Enter to win this year’s Capital Prize: A $50 ticket gets […]

Parish Yard Sale

The parish is hosting a Yard Sale on June 3, from 9am until noon, to benefit the High School Summer Mission Trip Team.  Parking Spaces can be purchased for members of the community to sell their items.  Spots cost $5 in advance or $8 the day of the event.  You may also donate items for […]

Father Daughter Dance 2017

Tickets are now on sale for the 2017 Father Daughter Dance.  The dance will be on May 20th, at 7pm in the Gym.  The cost is $10 for one daughter and her daddy, $15 for 2 or more daughters.  Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office.  See the flyer for any additional information.  

Summer Picnic 2017!!!

The Summer Picnic will be July 15, 2017.  We already have started getting things ready.  See the image for a complete list of how you can help with Picnic and who to contact.  And don’t forget to get your Capital Prize tickets!  Capital Prize tickets are available for purchase at the parish office.   A $50 […]

2017 Stewardship Forms

The Parish Office is still collecting the 2017 Stewardship Forms.  In case you misplaced the one that came in the mail or you didn’t receive one due to a change of address, you can click here to to find the forms.  If you have any questions you can contact Carolyn Sweeny at the parish office.  […]

Vacation Bible School Registration Is Open

Vacation Bible School: June 5-9, 2017 The theme this year is Maker Fun Factory.  Registration forms for both participants and youth leaders are available here.  If you have any questions contact Mary Hynes at the Parish Office, mhynes@staloysiuspwv.org.

Lent Offerings at St. Aloysius

Ash Wednesday, March 1:  Mass in the Church  at 8:15am and 7pm. The Sacrament of Confession: Saturday mornings in the Chapel at 9am Every Wed. (starting March 8) in the Church from 6-7pm March 19: Communal service at St. Albert at 3pm Stations of the Cross: Each Friday in Lent in the Chapel at 7pm […]

St. Aloysius Summer Camp

Although our days are colder, it is never too early to think about where your kids will spend their summer.  This summer St. Aloysius will have a summer camp!  Each day there will be something new including games, art, cooking, reading, and of course fun! Our themes this summer will include: Camping, Cooking, Ocean, Science, […]

Lenten Fish Frys – Save the dates.

Where:  St. Aloysius Cafeteria When: Ash Wednesday, March 1 Fri., March 3 – April 7 (Every Friday – No Fish Fry on Good Friday!) Time: 5-7:30 Dine-in; Carry-out and our FAMOUS Drive Thru   Menu: Fried Fish, NEW Baked Fish, Rolled Oysters, Shrimp, Pizza, Baked Potato, Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies, Jalapeño Hush […]

Sunday Nursery at 11am Mass

St. Aloysius offers childcare during 11am Mass on Sundays. This service is offered for children who are steady crawlers through kindergarten age. Beginning Feb. 5 Julie Corbell will be our new coordinator. If you would like to register your children or would like to volunteer to care for the children, please contact Julie at jacorbell@yahoo.com.