Entries by Mandy Kumler

Dynamic Catholic Marriage Event

Matthew Kelly came to Louisville in 2014 and talked about living with passion and purpose. In February 2017, St. Patrick Church, Louisville, will host the marquee event from Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic Institute that is sweeping the country and selling out everywhere. It’s called Passion and Purpose for Marriage featuring author and speaker Dr. Allen […]

St. Aloysius School Open Enrollment!

Applications are now being accepted for all grades, PreK-8, at St. Aloysius Catholic School.  Paperwork can be found at the school website www.staloysiusky.org. There is an open house scheduled for Friday, January 13 from 9:00am – 3:00pm with personal tours given all day. If you have any questions, or want to schedule a tour at […]

Painting With a Twist Fundraiser

The High School Mission Trip Team is hosting a fundraiser at Painting with a Twist in the Forest Springs shopping center. January 14,  7-9pm.  Cost is $35 per seat (that includes detailed instructions and all supplies) You will get to take home your own beautiful painting and support a great cause! The event is open […]

Trivia Night 2017

Please join us Saturday, January 28, 2017 for the 14th Annual St. Aloysius Trivia Night $20/person * $160/table of 8 Adults only please MUST PRE-ORDER IN ORDER TO ENTER– NO ENTRANCE ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT *DEADLINE FOR ORDERING:  WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH* Doors open at 6:00 pm * First question at 7:00 pm Raffles […]

Holy Day of Obligation: Immaculate Conception

A reminder that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation, is tomorrow. Join us for Mass in the Church at 8:15am and 7pm. Did you know that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates Mary’s conception, rather than Jesus’. For more info on this feast day check out this article: http://www.foryourmarriage.org/the-immaculate-conception/

Giving Tree Gifts Due This Weekend

Giving Tree Gifts are due THIS WEEKEND Please bring your wrapped gifts weekdays to the Parish office 8am-3:30pm or weekends before and after masses. There is a place in the cry room labeled “Giving Tree Drop Off”. The last drop off day is this Sunday, December 11 th after the 11:00 mass. Merry Christmas!! Rebecca […]

Opportunities for Confession

During the season of Advent there will be additional opportunities for Confession.  In addition to the regular schedule of Saturday mornings, the priest will hear confessions on Wednesdays, Nov. 30, Dec.7, 14, 21, 6:00pm-7:00pm, in the Church.  As always, you can also contact the priests to schedule a private appointment if needed.  

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Mass Schedule December 24:  4:30pm and 9:30pm December 25: 11 am   Holy Day of Obligation The Feast of Mary Mother of God (since this Holy Day falls on a Sunday we will keep the typical Sunday schedule) December 31: 5pm Jan 1: 8am, 11am, and 5pm  

The Giving Tree Is Here!

Look for the Giving Tree in the back of Church this weekend. Stop by and select your Star! The Giving Tree is an opportunity to help provide a better Christmas to people living in our community and residents of Friendship Manor. St. Aloysius needs YOU to make this a successful giving season. The individuals on […]