Entries by Mandy Kumler

Received a Suspicious Email: Here is What to Do.

We have been notified that parishioners have been receiving emails that say they are from Fr, John and other members of the staff, but turn out to be spam.  We know that this is quite a nuisance for our parishioners and we are doing everything we can.  We have a few things you can do when you […]

2022 St. Aloysius Trivia Night

Please join usSaturday, March 5, 2022 for the 18th Annual St. Aloysius Trivia Night In the St. Aloysius Gym$25/person * $200/table of 8Adults Only Please MUST PRE-ORDER TICKETS – NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR*DEADLINE FOR ORDERING TICKETS: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2*Doors open at 6:00 pm * First question at 7:00 pmRaffles * Auctions […]

Safe Environment Refresher Training

Recently the Archdiocese of Louisville announced that anyone working regularly with children refresh their Safe Environment Training every five years.  While a member’s initial training will still require an individual to attend the in person training, the Archdiocese of Louisville has partnered up with Catholic Mutual Group to offer an online refresher only training.  For […]

Parish Survey

We are currently developing a strategic plan for the Parish to guide us for the next five years. We are seeking your input both on how you perceive the state of the parish today and what changes can be made to make your religious participation more valuable and satisfying. With the help of the Archdiocesan […]

Parish Newsletter August 2021

We are excited to share our latest Parish Newsletter! In this issue we celebrate the return of choir, discuss Eucharistic Adoration, highlight our recent mission trip to Nashville, look forward to upcoming events, and much more! To read the newsletter just click HERE. In this issue you will see the year end financial information, ways […]

The Newsletter for May 2021!

We are excited to share our latest Parish Newsletter! In this issue we celebrate our success with the capital campaign, say goodbye to our two associate pastors, start planning for the future, and more. To read the newsletter just click here.

Fr. Toan’s Assignment and Mass Schedule Change

Due to an unexpected and pressing pastoral need, Fr. Toan has generously agreed to a request from Archbishop Kurtz to begin his assignment early as Pastor of St. John the Apostle Parish in Brandenburg on May 15.  Fr. Toan is grateful for your welcome and for his time serving here. Please keep him in your […]

The First Newsletter of 2021!

We are excited to share the first Parish Newsletter of the new year. In it you will find year end financials, information about our school and preschool, and all of the important info you need to know about Lent. You can access the newsletter here: https://bit.ly/NLJan21

The Church’s Response to COVID-19 Vaccines

On December 14, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement on the new COVID-19 vaccines. In their statement, the bishops address […]