Entries by Mandy Kumler

The USCCB’S Call to Prayer In the Face of the Pandemic

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19): With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and again we are reminded of our common humanity; that the peoples of this world […]

Important Message For Our Parish Family

As we journey through this time of uncertainty together, we will remain committed to providing our parishioners with guidance and support. If you are in need of help, please reach out and let us know. Our parish family continues to be our number one priority. In the upcoming days, please look for prayer resources that will […]

A Letter From Father John : Yes we will have Mass This Weekend

We wanted to inform you that Masses are as scheduled this weekend.  People who are at higher risk are encouraged to avoid crowds as much as possible. Archbishop Kurtz emphasized that the obligation to attend Mass does not apply for serious reasons, such as illness and other vulnerabilities due to age,underlying health conditions, or anxiety.Anyone […]

Masses Are As Planned for 3/14-3/15

In consideration of Governor Beshear’s recommendations and with the current directive from Archbishop Kurtz, We WILL HAVE regularly scheduled Masses this weekend. We recommend prudent decisions regarding prevention and appropriate social distancing. We implore those who are ill and those with compromised health issues to stay home and pray with the church through Mass Of […]

Fish Fry on 3/13 Drive Thru Only

⚠️We will have Drive-Thru only and will add a second line for convenience.⚠️ 👉 First Drive-Thru line will be the normal one that starts at the chapel and goes past the Eagles Nest. 👉 New line will begin from Mount Mercy and go down the road by the gym. We will have someone helping to […]

Hot Off The Presses!

The latest parish newsletter is here!  Check it out, to learn all about upcoming events, especially during Lent!  Also, read about all of the great things that have been keeping all of us busy at St. Aloysius. Click the link to view the newsletter. http://bit.ly/nlfeb20

Continued Support Needed for Capital Campaign

In effort to continue complete transparency, we would like to give you an update on specific numbers and information regarding our Capital Campaign. By December of 2017, we received cards pledging to support the campaign from 409 of our parish families. We needed to raise, and still do, $2,000,000. The pledged amount received by those […]

Fish Fry Season Is Coming!

Lenten Fish Frys – Save the dates. Where: St. Aloysius Cafeteria When: Ash Wednesday, February 26 Fri., Feb 28 – April 3 (Every Friday) NO FISH FRY ON 4/10 WHICH IS GOOD FRIDAY. Time: 5-7:30 Menu: Fried Fish, Baked Fish, Rolled Oysters, Shrimp, Pizza, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies, Jalapeño […]

Second Annual Chili Cook Off!

This event will be held Saturday, February 1st at 6:00 in the school cafeteria. Everyone who attended and participated last year had an amazing time! We hope that you will plan to join us! If you would like to enter your favorite chili recipe, please contact Melissa Brown at mbrown@staloysiuspwv.org. Prizes will be awarded to […]