Entries by Mandy Kumler

The Latest Parish Newsletter

It is finally Spring, and that means we are busy here at St. Aloysius. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and take a few minutes and check out our latest Parish Newsletter. There is a lot of important information, especially about the summer picnic! You can read it here, http://bit.ly/nwslet419 .

Parish Picnic: July 13th 2019

We are excited to announce that you can now order picnic raffle tickets online! Capital Prize and Quilt Tickets are available for purchase. Simply click https://membership.faithdirect.net/KY904 Sand then click Events to place your order. You can also purchase tickets in the parish office and by using the forms that are located in the back of church. […]

Fish Fry Season Has Arrived

Where:  St. Aloysius Cafeteria When: Every Friday (NO FISH FRY ON 4/19 WHICH IS GOOD FRIDAY.) Time: 5-7:30pm Dine-in; Carry-out and our FAMOUS Drive Thru Fish Dinner Meal Deal only $9: Fish sandwich, 2 sides, & drink! Cash and check only Menu: Fried Fish, Baked Fish, Rolled Oysters, Shrimp, Pizza, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Mac […]

Holy Week Mass Schedule

Chrism Mass, April 16: at the Cathedral of the Assumption 7pm Holy Week Holy Hour, April 17th: 7:30-8:30pm in the Chapel, this is geared towards teens and their parents Holy Thursday, April 18: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm in the Church Good Friday, April 19: Service 7pm in the Church Easter Vigil, April 20: […]

2019 Stewardship Renewal

This is the Stewardship Renewal period – a time to consider giving your time, talent and treasure to St. Aloysius. Each year we ask you to complete a Stewardship Form to renew or update your information.  ***New this year:  Stewardship Forms are online! Just click HERE ***Paper forms are also in the back of church […]

Together We Can Update

Last year our parish began a journey to eliminate our $2,000,000 debt. The plan was to eliminate this debt over a three year period of time. Just one year later we are halfway there! Thanks to the kindness and generosity of so many, we have now paid over $1,000,000 of our parish debt. That is […]

St. Aloysius School 2019-20 Enrollment

Applications for the 2019-2020 school year are online.  What better gift to give your child than the gift of a Catholic education. Tour and shadow options are always available by calling the school office at 241-8516 or emailing schooloffice@staloysiuspwv.org.  Starting Kindergarten? Save the date for our first round of kindergarten readiness tests the week of […]

Christmas Mass Schedule

We hope you plan to join us this Christmas to help celebrate the birth of Jesus.  The Mass times are as follows: Dec. 24, Christmas Eve: Masses at 5 and 8pm (Note:  The 5pm Mass is typically our fullest Christmas Mass.  The children’s choir sings at this Mass and many families attend. ) Dec. 25, […]