What is RCIA, and who is it for?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which is better known as RCIA, is a process designed for three different groups of people: (1) adults (age 7 and older) who are not baptized and would like to join the Catholic Church, (2) adults who were baptized as children into the Catholic faith, but who have not completed their initiation in the Church because they have not celebrated their First Eucharist and/or Sacrament of Confirmation, and (3) adults who have been validly baptized in another Christian denomination and who now want to be received in the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds into the RCIA process. Here at St. Aloysius our RCIA groups meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45. Contact Mary Hynes at the parish office if you are interested in beginning the RCIA process 241-8452.