Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry Program at St. Aloysius combines the talents and interests of young people to provide them with opportunities for service, social and spiritual growth. This vision of “total youth ministry” consist of the development of leadership, planning and communication skills; the youth’s understanding of our Christian call to serve others; and the Archdiocesan concern for the development of young people in a Catholic parish today. Not only are we concerned with social and service activities for the youth, but also for their exploration of living a Catholic lifestyle.
If you would like to find out more about the Youth Ministry program contact Mandy Kumler, Coordinator of Youth Ministry.
Each event that your student attends off campus will require a permission form. Health forms are kept on file for one year, and are not required at every event as long as your insurance information is up to date.
Join us on the Second Sunday of the Month at 11AM Mass, followed by a conversation during Hospitality Sunday.
Open to students in Grades 7-12
What is AXIS? AXIS is a time for teens to come together for Mass, followed by a deep dive into the Sunday readings.
Why AXIS? The word AXIS refers to a thing or place of greatest importance, and as Catholics we believe that is Jesus in the Eucharist.
More questions? Contact Mandy Kumler
What: RESTORE is our monthly youth led Holy Hour with praise and worship music, moments of quiet, and reflections in front of the Blessed Sacrament
When: 3rd Sunday of the Month
Where: The Chapel, 7-8pm
Who: ANYONE! Especially students in 7-12th grade!
For more information on either program contact Mandy Kumler, Coordinator of Youth Minister.
Mission Trip
Each summer St. Aloysius gladly takes a group of high school students on a Mission Trip. The mission trips are open to students in 9-12th grade. Typically the trip takes place on the last week of June, during “dead period” for sports. The Mission Trip is a great opportunity for students to grow in community with each other and to have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ for the people we serve. The total cost of the trip is $750 per person but there are several fundraising opportunities available to substantially reduce that price.
Space is limited and on a first com first served basis. To register and For more information contact Mandy Kumler, Coordinator of Youth Ministry.

212 Mt. Mercy Drive
Pewee Valley, KY 40056
- Daily Mass
- Mon–Sat: 8:15am
- Weekly Mass
- Sat: 5pm
- Sun: 8am, 11am,
- Reconciliation
- Sat: 9-10am (Church)
- Adoration
- Tues: 8:45am-7pm
- Sun: 3-9pm
Parish Office
- Mon-Thurs: 8am to 4pm
- Fri: 8am-3pm
- Sat/Sun: Closed